Congratulations to our talented students ranging from preschool through to primary for the winning colouring in and drawing entrants.
The winning preschool horse drawing is by Alicia from Scone and District Pre-School.
Ellie French from St Mary’s Primary School, Scone will receive the prize back for the best K-2 colouring entry.
And the winning colouring entry for the primary years 3-6 age group is by Phoebe Wyndham from Scone Public School.
Thank you to all the schools and children who have participated. Your entries look fantastic displayed down at Campbell’s Corner, thanks to one of our gold sponsors, Warburton Estate Agents for organising this space.
Big thanks to Ian from Hunt a Book for judging the competition and providing prize packs for these winners. Also to Amanda Albury and Sal O’Regan for their help in co-ordinating the competition and hanging the entries in Campbell’s Corner.